Sales and Post Sales image

Sales & Post Sales

Transform your sales cycle with Fabrex's innovative quote generation tool, designed to prople your factory into the digital age.

Quote Generation

Transform your sales cycle
Fast Icon
Instant, Accurate Quotations

Forget the manual calculations and time-consuming guesswork. With Fabrex, generate precise and comprehensive quotes at lightning speed.

Formula Icon
Smart Formula System

Every product is unique, and so is your pricing. Our smart formula system allows you to configure bespoke quoting algorithms that factor in the complexity of processes required to create each product.

Customizaton Icon
Customization at Its Core

We understand that your business is not a one-size-fits-all operation. That’s why Fabrex provides a fully customizable quoting system.

Quality Icon
Seamless Integration

Our quotes are more than just numbers on a screen; they’re a promise of quality and efficiency.

Tools Icon
Empower Your Sales Team

Equip your sales team with the power to create compelling, accurate, and professional quotes that turn prospects into loyal customers.

Customer Icon
Elevate Your Customer Experience

With the Customer Portal, your clients have the transparency and immediate access they crave. They can view their quotes, offer feedback, and confirm orders with ease

Budget and Order Management

Centralize control and amplify transparency
Budget Icon
Holistic Budget Oversight

Navigate the complexities of client budget management effortlessly. Fabrex grants you a bird's-eye view of every client's budget.

Action Icon
From Approval to Action

Efficiency starts with a seamless transition from sales to manufacturing. When a client approves a budget, Fabrex springs into action, transforming quotes into live orders.

Tracking Icon
Real-Time Order Tracking

Enhance your customer experience by providing them with the capability to track their orders in real time.

Workflow Icon
Automated Workflow

Upon budget approval, our system automatically notifies the relevant departments, ensuring that everyone is aligned and the order is fulfilled as promised.

Client Empowerment Icon
Client Empowerment

With the integrated Customer Portal, your clients enjoy direct access to their order statuses and budget details.

Sales Cycle Icon
Streamlined Sales Cycle

Reduce administrative overhead and eliminate the chance for errors. Fabrex's intuitive platform means you can manage budgets and orders with confidence.

Reduce administrative overhead and eliminate the chance for errors. Fabrex's intuitive platform means you can manage budgets and orders with confidence.

Customer Portal

Invite your clients into the heart of your digital operation with the Fabrex Customer Portal
Customer Power Icon
Empower Your Clients

Our Customer Portal puts the power in your clients' hands, allowing them to initiate new quotes, create budgets, and place orders anytime, anywhere.

Easy Tracking Icon
Track Orders with Ease

The journey from manufacturing to delivery is now transparent. Clients can log in to view live statuses of their existing orders, monitor progress, and even anticipate delivery times.

Self-Service Icon
Self-Service Reimagined

Fabrex redefines self-service by giving clients the freedom to manage their own budgets and orders without compromising support or guidance.

24-7 Icon
24/7 Accessibility

Our Customer Portal is always open. Whether it's after hours or on the go, your clients can access their account details, manage orders, and get the information they need, without delay.

Possibilities Icon
A Dashboard of Possibilities

Where clients can access order history, retrieve past invoices, generate repeat orders, and manage their account details

Communication Icon
Integrated Communication

Clients can send messages, request changes, and provide feedback directly through the interface

Secure Icon
Secure and Reliable

Rest assured, your clients' data and business operations are protected with industry-leading security measures, ensuring confidentiality and integrity at every step.


Start using today

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